Educator development matters
The quality of education depends heavily on the skills of the teacher. Engaging students actively in the learning process is crucial for providing effective financial and life skills training. We put a lot of effort into training educators to teach in a participatory, student-centered way.
About Aflatoun Educator Training
The Educators space on Aflatoun Academy is a comprehensive online space for educators' professional development. It provides training resources on social and financial education, teaching strategies, classroom management, personal growth, digital learning, digital communication and more. Educators can select modules, full courses or create custom learning paths. The platform also includes training materials, a community forum, and other resources. It is flexible and accessible for any educator to improve their knowledge and skills.
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SFE Certification Programme (SFE-CP)
The Social and Financial Education Certification Programme (SFE-CP) is an online training program on financial education and life skills designed for teachers. It aims to empower teachers to champion participatory, child-centered teaching methods. The SFE-CP includes modules on core competencies, specializations for different age groups, and assessments. Upon completion, teachers receive a certification from Aflatoun.
21st Century Skills
This course provides teachers with strategies for developing students' 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Teachers will learn how to design activities and assessments that engage students in real-world problem solving and prepare them for future careers.
Sustainable Dev't Goals
This course enables teachers to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into the classroom across subjects. Teachers will gain understanding of the 17 SDGs and learn how to teach students about global issues like poverty, inequality, and climate change while inspiring them to take action.
SFE برنامج الشهادة (SFE-CP) ARABIC
برنامج شهادة التعليم الاجتماعي والمالي (SFE-CP) هو برنامج تدريب عبر الإنترنت في مجال التعليم المالي والمهارات الحياتية مصمم للمعلمين. يهدف إلى تمكين المعلمين من تبني طرق تدريس تشاركية تركز على الطفل. يتضمن البرنامج وحدات حول الكفاءات الأساسية وتخصصات لفئات عمرية مختلفة وتقييمات. وعند الانتهاء، يحصل المعلمون على شهادة من مؤسسة أفلاطون.
21st Century Skills
يوفر هذا الدورة للمعلمين استراتيجيات لتطوير مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين لدى الطلاب، مثل التفكير النقدي والإبداع والتعاون والتواصل. سيتعلم المعلمون كيفية تصميم أنشطة وتقييمات تشرك الطلاب في حل المشكلات الواقعية وتعدهم للمهن المستقبلية.
Sustainable Dev't Goals
تمكّن هذه الدورة المعلمين من دمج أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة في الفصول الدراسية عبر المواد المختلفة. سيكتسب المعلمون فهمًا لأهداف التنمية المستدامة السبعة عشر ويتعلمون كيفية تعليم الطلاب حول القضايا العالمية مثل الفقر وعدم المساواة وتغير المناخ، مع إلهامهم لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة.
Training pathway and materials
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Video provides engaging visual content to explain concepts and demonstrate skills. Videos try to simplify hard-to-grasp information while serving as quick source of information.
Text material
Text-based resources like articles, e-books, and slide presentations allow for in-depth explanation of concepts. Learners can reinforce their understanding through reading.
The resources are full of assessments to evaluate learners. Regular low-stakes quizzes (formative) and end-of-course evaluations (summative) encourage engagement and information retention.
Completion certificates recognize learners' investment of time and effort. Certificates validate learners' new knowledge and skills and support professional advancement.
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